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Hey cool another LOVE2D game! I tried to run the .love version and it crashed on launch with:

Extension "" not supported.
[C]: at 0x7ffde1d10500
[C]: in function 'newSource'
main.lua:59: in function 'load'
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
[C]: in function 'xpcall'

Both the regular and post-jam version did this. Could be because I'm running a different version of Love than you? I'm running 11.2. You can specify which version you expect in your conf.lua file

Windows exe worked fine though so I'm not sure.

(I'll write my actual feedback on the game on the LD site, I just thought you might want to know)

Yes it’s because of the love version, since the 11.0 you have to specify what was before an optional parameter “sourceType”